Why the CIA Loves Me!
Wait…what?That’s right! The CIA. loves graphic designers… And… they always have. Throughout the CIA’s 74-year history, the agency has used popular artists, graphic designers, and avant-garde culture to serve its aim and enact American “soft power.” We’ll get into that later… Their rebrand in 2021 sparked up a lot of discussions again on their relationships […]
What is Greenwashing in Packaging Design?
Green•wash•ing /n. disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image. — The Oxford Dictionary In a new world where more people care about the environment than generations before we want to be a part of the solution as consumers. Not the problem. So we want to buy products that reduce […]
I was aGraphic Design Efficiency Expert for an eCommerce brand a few years ago…
I was aGraphic Design Efficiency Expert for an eCommerce brand a few years ago…Here’s what I found… Back in 2018, a catalog company that sold gift baskets, sweet treats like chocolates, nuts, meats and cheeses, and other gifts needed a design overhaul. I was hired as a freelancer to take over their seasonal catalog design. […]